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Botox Injection

Anti Wrinkle Injections


Dermal Fillers

Drug and Syringe

Skin Boosters

A woman getting filler injection





Fat Dissolving


LED Iight Therapy

Anti Wrinkle

Botox Injection

What is Treatment?

This is a muscle relaxing treatment that will stop the muscles from contracting which cause crease lines.

This results in the smoothing of lines and wrinkles giving you a natural, fresh and rejuvenated appearance.


It is typically used for the frown lines, forehead lines and lines around the eyes (3 area antiwrinkle). However, it can be used in many other areas (see advanced toxin) to create a lift, help with teeth grinding and excess sweating.

What is the procedure?

This treatment involves injecting small quantities of Toxin into specific muscles using a very fine needle.

Generally the treatment will take no longer than 30 minutes.

How long does the treatment last?

It takes a full two weeks for the treatment to take effect. Results can vary from person to person but generally they should last between 3-4 months.

Are there any side effects? 

Side effects are mild. you can expect some redness and swelling for the first few hours and there is a small risk of bruising.

Dermal Fillers


What is Treatment?

Dermal fillers are injected into the facial skin to provide a natural-looking, facial filler enhancement.

These treatments can add lift and contour to the face in areas such as the cheeks, jaw & chin as well as creating volume to the lips. They can also be used to lift out hollowing that appears under the eyes or from the nasolabial lines (corners of the nose to the mouth).

What is the procedure?

Filler is administered via various techniques depending on the area you would like treating.

A small needle is used to inject lips & lines to strategically place small amounts of dermal filler to provide shape and volume.

Facial fillers are administered via needle to the bone and/or cannula to provide lift, contour & volume.

Treatments take between 15 – 45 minutes.

How long does the treatment last?

Results can vary from person to person but generally they should last between 6-12 months.

Are there any side effects? 

It takes a full two weeks for dermal fillers to settle. In that time there can be redness, swelling and a risk of bruising.

Skin Booster

Drug and Syringe

What is Treatment?

Hyaluronic acid injections work to rejuvenate, hydrate and stimulate collagen production. This dramatically improves the quality and appearance of the skin by reducing fine lines and hydrating the skin from the inside out.

What is the procedure?

The treatment involves the product being injected into 5 strategic points on each side of the face. The formula will disperses across the whole mid to lower face.

Generally the treatment will take no longer than 30 minutes.

How long does the treatment last?

Initially two treatments are required one month apart. The results will then last for up to 6 months, it is then advised to have one treatment every 6 months as maintenance.

Are there any side effects? 

There will be redness and swelling that settles after a few hours. There is a small risk of bruising.


A woman getting filler injection

What is Treatment?

A cocktail of hyaluronic acid, vitamins, minerals & amino acids are injected in a concentrated amount to areas such as the under eyes, neck, smokers lines etc. The treatment works to brighten and tighten the skin along with plumping out fine lines and wrinkles.

What is the procedure?

The treatment involves lots of tiny injections into the area that is being treated.

Generally the treatment will take around 45 minutes.

How long does the treatment last?

It is advised to have a course of three treatments 2-3 weeks apart. The results can then last for up to 2 months, it is then advised to have one treatment every 4-6 weeks as maintenance.

Are there any side effects? 

There will be redness and swelling for a few days. Particularly under the eyes there is a risk of bruising.



What is Treatment?

This treatment uses tiny needles that gently puncture the skin, creating a controlled trauma. This will trigger the skin to respond and begin producing collagen and elastin to repair itself. Collagen and elastin is what we lose as we age, by replacing these proteins the skin will appear smoother and firmer. It will also improve the appearance of stretch marks or scars.

What is the procedure?

A sterile cap lined with very fine needles is attached to a microneedling pen and glided over the skin. We also apply a skin boosting serum to the skin during the treatment. The channels created in the skin from the microneedling allow the skin boosting product to absorb deep into the skin.

Generally the treatment will take around 45 - 60 minutes.

How long does the treatment last?

It is advised to have a course of three treatments 4-6 weeks apart. The results can then last for up to 2 months, it is then advised to have one treatment every 2 months as maintenance.

Are there any side effects? 

There will be slight redness and a tingling sensation for a few hours after the treatment.

Fat Dissolving


What is Treatment?

Fat dissolving injections are designed to reduce small stubborn pockets of fat that are resistant to exercise and diet. The product works by breaking down fat cells into smaller fat cells allowing them to be eliminated naturally through the lymphatic system.


Common areas are pockets of fat under the chin (double chin), arm fat (bingo wings), bra/back fat, abdominal fat and love handles.

What is the procedure?

The area to be treated is marked out and then divided into squares. We inject the product into each square ensuring the product is distributed evenly. We will finish by gently massaging the area to aid in the distribution of the product.

The treatment can take between 15 - 45 minutes depending on the area

How long does the treatment last?

The fat cells that have been eliminated are permanently gone. The treatment can be repeated every 2 weeks until the desired result has been achieved.

It is vital that you keep hydrated on a continuous basis for 2-3 weeks after the procedure. This will ensure that your body is efficient at flushing out the broken down fat cells. This will provide you with the best results possible.

Are there any side effects? 

There will be slight redness and a tingling sensation for a few hours after the treatment. There can be swelling and tenderness for 7-10 days after the treatment.

LED Light Therapy

Quantum Tanya.png

What is Treatment?

The LED Light Therapy Facial is a painless, relaxing skin-care treatment that plumps ageing skin by boosting collagen production and treating acne by killing bacteria.

Offering a powerful yet gentle means for obtaining more beautiful skin. Allowing you to treat an array of skin concerns without chemicals, drugs, or invasive measures. The skin responds quickly and very positively to the different colours in the spectrum.

Benefits tired, ageing skin. It helps with the softening of lines, folds and wrinkles, healthier circulation, increased moisture & radiance, accelerated skin repair, improved elasticity & skin texture along with stimulating the skins collagen process, naturally.

Age spots, freckles, uneven pigmentation due to sun exposure. Most cases of skin hyperpigmentation even out over time from the use of LED light therapy.

Acne and blemishes:
LED light therapy can assist in the repair of acne and imperfections because it stimulates the skin’s natural healing process and helps kill bacteria caused by acne.

What is the procedure?

The dome shaped LED machine is placed over the face and neck and the appropriate light colour is selected.

The treatment take 20 minutes.

How long does the treatment last?

The number of treatments needed varies by skin type and condition. Some people see visible results almost immediately. However, noticeable changes are usually achieved in the course of treatments.

Are there any side effects? 

The skin will feel warm and there will be slight redness for a few hours after the treatment.

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